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Dropping Courses: The start of each term has a “Drop/Add” period. Drop/Add is the only time during which students may “drop” a course completely without either academic or financial penalties. After this period, students will need to officially “withdraw” from their courses, with academic and/or financial penalties, as stated below. 

Course Withdrawal: A course withdrawal is the result of students’ decisions to remove themselves from one or more, but not all, courses after the Drop/Add period ends. If the students withdraw prior to the withdrawal deadline, they receive a grade of W (withdraw) on their transcript. If the students withdraw after the deadline, they will receive a grade of WF (withdraw-fail) on their transcript. The withdrawal deadline is at the midpoint of the term, as detailed on the Academic Calendar.  

Note: A grade of W has no effect on a student’s academic grade point average (GPA), but a grade of WF will factor into the student’s academic GPA as a grade of F. Withdrawing from college courses can negatively impact the Standards of Academic Progress for Financial Aid. Students should discuss withdrawal with Academic Support and Financial Aid before withdrawing from a course. 

Withdrawal from a Co-Requisite Learning Support Course: Students who wish to withdraw from a co-requisite Learning Support course must also withdraw from the collegiate-level course for which the Learning Support course is a co-requisite.  

Full Withdrawal: Students who voluntarily withdraw from the College must first consult with Academic Support to begin the process and complete a “Student Full Withdrawal Form.” Students who withdraw from the College prior to midterm will receive a grade of W (withdraw) in all courses in which they are enrolled. Students who withdraw from the College after midterm will receive a grade of WF (withdraw-fail) in all courses in which they are enrolled. 

W-After-Midterm for the Current Semester: Students who experience a medical, psychological, or other personal hardship that prevented them from completing their course requirements may petition for a W-After-Midterm, through the Director of Academic Support. The assignment of a grade of W after midterm will be awarded if the student was passing the course(s) at the last date of attendance. The W-After-Midterm form cannot be used to withdraw selectively from some courses while remaining enrolled in other courses without extraordinary justification (e.g., breaking a bone that prevents participation in a PE activity course would merit a W-After-Midterm from this single course). 

W-After-Midterm for Prior Semesters: A W-After-Midterm for prior terms will be granted only if (1) students can provide adequate documentation that the medical, psychological, or other personal hardship prevented them from completing their course requirements AND (2) students or family members could not contact the College before the term ended AND (3) students were passing the course(s) at the last date of attendance.